Music Education
Music education is for all ages. We teach home school as well as public and private school students and teach several adults as well. (We’ve had beginner students as old as seventy.) Lessons are given individually and are held weekly in thirty-minute sessions. We currently teach flute, piano, banjo, and guitar. Students are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, depending upon the time slot available at any given time. Fees are whatever the student can afford. (Anything over $15 per 30-minute lesson is tax-deductible. Anything $5 or less per lesson is considered payment for services rendered and is not allowed as a tax deduction by the IRS.)

Quotes from happy students and families:
“This is a dream come true. I’ve always wanted to play the piano.” -C.C.
(Started at the age of 67 in 2010 - Still taking lessons, 2024)
“I wanted my children to take music lessons because of the benefits it had in helping them to learn and increasing memory but with three in school and two in college I never thought I could find an affordable option. I even tried teaching piano online but it wasn't the same. Then I heard about Joyce and SonShine & Blessings and all three of my children whom had learning disabilities started taking lessons. It has increased their attention span and their math skills not to mention their love of music. Thank you SonShine for the opportunity to teach children music who otherwise could not afford it-you truly are our blessing.” -K.M.
“If SonShine & Blessings had not offered affordable lessons, my granddaughter would not have been able to get music lessons. She is now a very talented musician who plays her guitar and banjo in nursing homes and church, and now she even has some of her own students.” -D.C. (A grandma in reference to her granddaughter who began lessons with SS&B in 2005.)